Firma PwC zatrudni prawnika

Firma PwC poszukuje prawnika do wewnętrznego działu prawnego. 

The Office of Gene­ral Coun­sel team at PwC Poland is com­po­sed of 16 expe­rien­ced lawy­ers. We pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive legal servi­ces to com­pa­nies in the PwC network in Poland. We advise on all areas of their busi­ness, inc­lu­ding dra­fting and revie­wing con­tracts, taking an active part in nego­tia­tions, pro­vi­ding legal advice and con­sul­ta­tion, con­duc­ting court cases, pre­pa­ring and revie­wing let­ters and docu­ments, inc­lu­ding regu­la­tions and pro­ce­du­res, and con­duc­ting ongo­ing ana­ly­sis of chan­ges in legal regu­la­tions and court rulings.

We are looking for

In house lawyer – link do oferty

Your future role:

  • Sup­por­ting client facing teams in nego­tia­tions, being able to iden­tify and manage legal, busi­ness and com­mer­cial risks and pro­vide high quality guidance and advice;
  • Dra­fting agre­ements, cre­ating tem­pla­tes and trans­la­ting them into PwC policy, stan­dards and con­trols;
  • Advi­sing and sup­por­ting senior lawy­ers on (i) cor­po­rate mat­ters (e. g. dra­fting reso­lu­tions, minu­tes of meetings, PoAs, motions to the Natio­nal Court Regi­ster) OR (ii) regu­la­tory / com­pliance mat­ters.

Apply if you have:

  • Degree in Polish law;
  • Pro­ven expe­rience in con­trac­ting and either cor­po­rate mat­ters (inc­lu­ding han­dling sha­re­hol­ders’ meetings, mana­ge­ment affa­irs, pre­pa­ring reso­lu­tions and other cor­po­rate docu­ments) OR regu­la­tory / com­pliance mat­ters (e. g. eco­no­mic sanc­tions, AML, anti-com­pe­ti­tion, anti-cor­rup­tion) – at least 2 years as a lawyer in the legal depart­ment of a com­pany or law firm pro­vi­ding com­pre­hen­sive servi­ces to entre­pre­neurs;
  • Very good know­ledge of Com­mer­cial Com­pa­nies Code;
  • Pro­fi­ciency in English, inc­lu­ding legal English;
  • Strong ver­bal, writ­ten and inter­per­so­nal skills;
  • Abi­lity to think out of the box, you are a team player, able to forge strong wor­king rela­tion­ships with col­le­agues and wil­ling to con­tri­bute to joint pro­jects.

Nice to have:

  • Expe­rience in pro­vi­ding legal servi­ces to fore­ign enti­ties and giving opi­nions and nego­tia­ting con­tracts with fore­ign con­trac­tors is a plus.

By joining us you gain:

  • Work fle­xi­bi­lity – hybrid wor­king model, fle­xi­ble start of the day;
  • Deve­lop­ment and upskil­ling – our full sup­port during onbo­ar­ding pro­cess, men­to­ring from expe­rien­ced col­le­agues, tra­ining ses­sions, work­shops and conver­sa­tions with native spe­aker;
  • Wide medi­cal and wel­l­be­ing pro­gram – medi­cal care pac­kage (incl. den­tal care, fre­edom of tre­at­ment, phy­sio­the­rapy), coaching, mind­ful­ness, psy­cho­lo­gi­cal sup­port, edu­ca­tion thro­ugh dedi­ca­ted webi­nars and work­shops, finan­cial and legal coun­se­ling;
  • Pos­si­bi­lity to cre­ate your indi­vi­dual bene­fits pac­kage (a. o. lunch pass, insu­rance pac­kages, con­cierge, vete­ri­nary pac­kage for a pet, mas­sa­ges) and access to a cafe­te­ria – vouchers, disco­unts on IT equ­ip­ment and car pur­chase;
  • 3 paid hours for volun­te­ering per month;
  • Addi­tio­nal paid Bir­th­day Day off;
  • And when you start enjoy­ing PwC as much as we do, you may recom­mend your friend to work with us.

Selec­tion Pro­cess:

  • CV veri­fi­ca­tion,
  • HC scre­ening phone call,
  • Inte­rview with team repre­sen­ta­ti­ves.

If you have addi­tio­nal questions, ple­ase con­tact us:

Your per­so­nal data will be pro­cessed for recru­it­ment pur­po­ses by PwC Advi­sory spółka z ogra­ni­czoną odpo­wie­dzial­no­ścią sp. k. or ano­ther PwC entity which runs a recru­it­ment pro­cess – (list of enti­ties). If you have given sepa­rate con­sent, data will also be pro­cessed for other pur­po­ses in accor­dance with the con­tent of the con­sents gran­ted. Full infor­ma­tion about pro­cessing your per­so­nal data is ava­ila­ble in the Pri­vacy Policy.